"Dr. Mohammed Koura and his receipt of an award and recognition from the European Union Pain Treatment Conference."
One of the philosophers says: Do not follow the path of others in moving towards the summit, but rather create your own path, regardless of its difficulties, and perhaps that word is the most prominent and most expressive from Dr. Muhammad Koura, who knows with certainty that the moments of success that some see as easy to achieve, are in fact The result of the fruits of time, effort, and the pursuit of creating a new path of excellence and leadership in all fields, and this is exactly what Dr. Muhammad Koura worked on in order to achieve a unique position that no Arab doctor had ever obtained before him, and it was for the pain treatment diploma that he obtained in Valencia, Spain, and the honor that he received. It is like a crown that adorned his scientific and medical efforts in the field of treating spinal pain and osteoarthritis of the knee and joints without surgery, and it is only the beginning of his journey in maintaining that leadership and position that he has reached in Egypt and the Middle East.
These efforts reflect the extent of Dr. Mohamed Koura’s distinction from other Arab doctors, because he was the first to introduce limited intervention techniques without surgery to Egypt and the Arab countries, in addition to his constant keenness to be present in international conferences and forums and to participate with foreign doctors and experts in discussing scientific research and modern scientific periodicals to reach To the latest technologies related to treating spine and joint problems, which have become one of the most common diseases of the current era among different age groups.
- Why choose Dr. Mohammed Koura? Because he is always committed to the patient's comfort and follows every stage of their treatment, starting from the initial diagnosis to ensuring their complete recovery. He also stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in treatment techniques through his participation in international conferences. Lastly, Dr. Mohammed koura is the best doctor in Egypt and the Arab world, as he possesses 12 non-surgical techniques for treating spinal and joint problems.